Independent ME

Independent Me is a program which helps children master daily life skills and achieve the highest possible degree of independence. It begins with a comprehensive assessment of all prerequisite abilities that are directly related to skills of daily living, such as motor, intellectual, communication, social, and behavior. After identifying the skill deficits that make daily routine activities challenging, the program works on bridging the developmental gaps.

As for the skills that are difficult to develop due to a specific diagnosis, the ONESTI team works on adapting the activities and tools, so that every child can achieve an acceptable level of independence in daily living. The program helps parents to learn more about their child’s abilities and coach them on using scientifically based methods and techniques to help their child generalize acquired skills naturally within their daily routine.

Click the adaptive development icon on our home page to learn more about adaptive skills development and red flags. If you are noticing that your child is struggling with one or more daily routine activities, do not wait! Fill ONESTI’s Independent ME checklist and contact our professionals to learn more about your child’s adaptive skills development and what you can do NOW to help your child.