Specialized Therapy Intervention
Speech and Language Therapy: Effective communication is fundamental to all aspects of human functioning, particularly learning and social interaction. Speech and Language Therapy has a central role in providing services, guidance and support for families and their children of different ages. Speech and language therapists are also key interventionists when it comes to children’s feeding issues and or swallowing disorders. Implementing Speech and Language Therapy in the natural environment, provides an opportunity to incorporate teaching moments into everyday circumstances so that the child has maximum opportunities to learn and practice what they have learned.
Occupational Therapy: In early intervention, occupational therapy promotes the function and engagement of infants and toddlers, and their families, in everyday routines by addressing different areas including activities of daily living, play, education, and social participation. Occupational therapy helps enhance a family’s capacity to care for their child and promote his or her development and participation in natural environments where the child and family live, work, and play. In this theme caregivers and educators will learn about occupational therapy.
Behavior Intervention: Whether we’re dealing with, a typically developing children or children with behavioral problems or developmentally challenged individuals with severe impairments, the interventions brought about by ABA through the decades of research and self-correcting implementation have been proven to be amongst the most effective approaches to learning.
Social Emotional Intervention: Social-emotional intervention plays a crucial role in fostering healthy development and overall well-being. By addressing the social and emotional needs of children, the social emotional intervention promotes positive self-awareness, emotional regulation, empathy, and effective communication skills. This intervention empowers children to navigate challenges, build healthy relationships, and cope with stressors effectively.
Academic Intervention: The academic performance of the child is considered a mirror to all his achievements. Yet, some children face difficulties maintaining an acceptable performance despite all efforts at home, school, and sometimes at centers.
A considerable body of research shows evidence that the right intervention promotes specific cognitive skills that is directly reflected on academic performance. Academic intervention is performed in an educational setting through research based multisensory approaches.
Early Intervention: The World Health Organization (2012) describes early childhood as a ‘window of opportunity’ as this early stage of development provides the foundation for life-long learning and participation.
The child’s growth and development are kept track of through a partnership between parents and health professionals.
For children with delays, it is a critical period to ensure the access to appropriate support which can help them reach their full potential; such as early childhood interventions and education.
Comprehensive intervention: It is important to note that not only does development occur on a continuum with age range expectations but it also integrates across domains. For example: intact cognitive skills are required for conceptual frameworks of language to be constructed. Physical development is required to coordinate the necessary oral-motor response. Meaningful relationships – which include significant social exchanges – are required since language development relies to a great extent on social interactions. Similarly, cognitive development is resultant from neurobiological development and conceptual frameworks that develop through the infants’ exploration of the environment. Infants construct an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with physical and motor actions. This integration across domains of development has implications for the overall course of a child’s development and it is reflected in the organization of the workshops and their content (National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center, 2011).